
I. General Goals of Good Shepherd Christian School

  • To develop the right relationship with God through the integration of the Biblical curriculum into all subject areas of each grade level;
  • To develop sensitivity and concert for the needs of others and foster a harmonious relationship among the studentry;
  • To provide the necessary learning experiences that will foster the development of one’s rounded personality, and the expression of his identity;
  • To provide the child with the work study habits and attitudes necessary to prepare him to cope with the changing times;
  • To develop critical thinking creativity, and a love for the beautiful;
  • To develop leadership and followership roles necessary to a democratic society;
  • To develop the ability to communicate clearly, accurately, and effectively by providing situations for self-expression.

II. Emphases

  • To instill the necessary spiritual and moral values among the pupils in the elementary grades
  • To develop the oral and written communication skills in all the grade levels
  • To develop nationalism and love for one’s country
  • To develop critical thinking and develop analytical minds among the graders
  • To develop sensitivity and concern for the needs of others

For inquiries go to GSCS Online